Wednesday, October 10, 2007

I'm due for some rest... was one of those days where it seemed like everything was kind of off balance. I was forgetting everything, putting things away and minutes later, not remembering where I had put them to begin with, sweating the small stuff, and just going crazy. Needless to say, I'm looking forward to my four day is quite a relief, knowing that I get to sleep in, go for a walk and take care of Prudence, the rabbit I'm pet sitting.

I love rabbits and squirrels. I'd love to have a pet squirrel someday...but sadly it's illegal...I think.

I'm also worried about college applications...I'm wishing that my SAT scores would hurry up and get here because I think I did better on that sadistic form of torture this go around, and would rather the higher scores appear on a college application. Aaahhhhh...senior year is great but also comes with a lot of stress.

Can't wait to see Annie Get Your Gun. My name is even in the program because I helped with the set...that was exciting to see...teehee. :D

*Note to self: Find out if owning a squirrel is illegal in North Carolina.


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