Friday, June 6, 2008

A Whole New World (some semi-emotional ramblings)

Wow...Tuesday was officially my last day of high school. It's kind of strange how four years will just fly by. It's also strange how people change...I look at everyone, myself included, and we are all different in some way or another. We're growing older (we don't have to grow up) and entering another major part of our lives. It's just so crazy...and really cool!!! It's a whole new world full of shocking (good or bad) new things to discover. I'm really excited about the whole college thing; I think it will be another great four years!!! I'm also kind of sad about leaving dear old FHS many memories have been made there, it's just sort of a shock leaving a world you've known for four years and having things completely changed around! But, I'm not going to get all emotional; I'll just remember all the fun I've had and keep in mind that there's more to come!

Speaking of fun....

A theory by Abigail and Rachel: This is one of those paintings where the eyes follow you when you walk's just that creepy.

Either Rachel is creeped out or she's trying to imitate her majesty.

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