Saturday, January 23, 2010

A book report on today:

I think my job pretty much hates me.  I came in today and we were out of hot fudge.  Our hot fudge comes in a big can like a soup can that you have to use a can opener on, except 205 million billion trillion times bigger...  I have a hard enough time opening it and then when I go to take the top of the can off I slash my finger open.  Not fun. Not fun at all. 

About an hour later, I'm making a chocolate chip scone for some loser named Andrew Gouge (just kidding).  I reach into the oven to check on the scone and I burn my wrist on a ridiculously hot pan. 

Then to top it all off, I almost drop a whole pan of rolls on the floor.  Ughhhhhh...What a night, what a night. 

Anyway, other than all this, I love my job.  :D 

Now for other news: 

School is going GREAT.  I love all of my classes so far.  I have a lot more free time and almost 4 or 5 hours of practicing everyday!!!  I now love music theory...this is a really weird new-found love.  It's not normal that's for sure and for some weird reason, in my speech class I'm not nervous anymore.  The first speech I did, I improved entirely (because I forgot about it...oops) and it was good (thanks Scotty for making us improv in class).  :D 

Getting super excited about being able to do a show!  I have missed Overlook so bad.  One show a year is just so hard to cope with. 

I'm so happy and in a good place in my life right now.  I feel like everything is going just right.  I hope it stays this way for awhile.  Life is gooooood. 


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