Monday, July 19, 2010

I want some adventure, a change of pace, a high-speed chase down a wide open road

Besides Disney and a few other fun days, this summer has been boring. I hate saying I'm bored; I feel bad about saying it, because I could be productive, but I want to have fun.  I feel like every day is the same; I wake up, get ready, go to work, come home, read or practice, go to sleep.  Rinse and Repeat. 
I rarely get to see my friends (because most of them live away or work all the time--like me) or my boyfriend for that matter.  Ugh...even though I'm taking 19 hours, attending a night class Monday through Thursday, teaching piano lessons a couple days a week, and working at the Dessert Factory, I think school starting will be a welcome change.  If for anything, a change of faces, a change of pace. 

1 comment:

  1. I miss you too, girl. And I feel the exact same way you do. I haven't seen Ryan in a month. I am overworked, undersleeped, and overall stressed unnecessarily. I'm ready to move back to Cullowhee, have my own room, my boyfriend, and all my friends back.


Let me know what you think! :)