Sunday, May 17, 2009


I am absolutely horrified of turning 19 on Wednesday. Because before I turn around, 19 will be gone and 20 and 21 and so on. Getting older stinks. I already hate this, and I'm not even nearing 30 or 40 or...50.
I'm just going to try and enjoy the day. TJ is taking me on a surprise trip somewhere fun but he won't tell me where. I'm hoping that it is shopping, an aquariam, or a zoo, or a new city that we have yet to explore but who knows what he has planned.

People say that these are the best years of your life, but I honestly think that they are also the most horrifying.
I wish I could slow down time. *sigh*

Too bad I can't, but other than being terrified of getting older, I'm happy that I have my salvation, my health, my family, my friends, and all of my other blessings. God is so awesome and has blessed me so much over the last nineteen years and I know he has so much more in store.


1 comment:

  1. "Most of all, I would like to thank God for Rachel. She. Is. My. Life."

    This is what this should of said.


Let me know what you think! :)