Sunday, August 15, 2010

Silly girl

Haha, I just finished reading my old blog from my first or second day of college.  With only a week of summer vacation left before I start the last half of my undergraduate studies, I'm enjoying thinking back on how I felt my first day at WCU.  The little list I made seems quite funny, frightened, and awkward.  It's amazing to think about how far I've really come there, how much I've learned (not only book wise, but about myself), and about how many awesome people I've met. I'm really looking forward to what God has planned for these last two years at Western; whatever it is, I know it's going to be exciting, challenging, revealing, and all out AWESOME, because GOD IS AWESOME! 
------------On another note:
I always want straightforward answers from God about my life, and I don't like waiting for them.  Feeling this way is really teaching me some serious patience and bolstering my faith like crazy.  I'm fully relying on God for everything in my life.  Sometimes this is hard because we want what we want and not always what he has planned for us. 
Proverbs 3:5 has come to me a lot here lately and I also got some really good advice about this and lots of other stuff from someone today; thanks! You're the best! 

Anyway, my cool pillow is calling me!


1 comment:

  1. Hello!Im Jhona, from Argentina, and Im just interested in talk with people from other countries (for friendship), and I found you, among millions of blogs. So, if you would like it, let me know!
    (Sorry for mistakes, my first language is Spanish)
    Bye! =)


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