Saturday, August 24, 2013


It is amazing how a a single word (or lack thereof) from one person can make or break your day, whether they realize it or not. It shouldn't matter, but it does. One person should never have SO much power. 

I wish I could break free, but more than that, I wish I didn't have to, and I have prayed about it so often. I try to push forward, but the pull of your gravity is almost as strong as that which holds the universe together. 

I used to be your best friend and side kick, and now instead, I feel like I've been abruptly kicked to the side; it breaks my heart and confuses me so much. I know it isn't my fault because I haven't done anything but be a good friend, but I always internalize blame, which makes things more difficult to deal with. 

I knew things would be a little different, but I didn't expect them to be THIS different.
I know this sounds whiney and emotional, and others have bigger problems, but I miss my best friend so much.

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