Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Spiders absolutely scare the living daylights out of me. I LOATHE them with an intense, fiery, passion. I have seen more HUGE spiders in the past two weeks than I have in my entire life. When I see them, I run screaming "KILL IT KILL IT" like a little girl, to my Daddy. He ALWAYS rolls his eyes and says you really need to get over this...but
I CAN'T. Spiders are probably one of my biggest fears.

Another thing I hate is diction.

I hate it so much I dropped the class and I'm going to take it next year. I just had too much on my plate this year. It is amazing how my stress level decreased.

I also have this dumb health and wellness class where all we do is busy work. I'm healthy; I'd rather dance my butt off than sit in a stupid lecture.

Ugh, anyway. On a lighter note, tomorrow is the last day before Fall break!

*Angel Choir sings HALLELUJAH*
Speaking of hallelujah, watch this video. Its fun! :D

Can't wait till fall break...That means this semester is half way over! WOWWWW...
I'm dying to go shopping. I think I'm going to go this Thursday and buy a bunch of new clothes for fall! YAY!!! I'm turning into a clothes horse...

Anyway, I'm procrastinating. I have a melodic dictation to do and then I need to sleeeep.



  1. Don't blame you on the clothes horse thing...Ever since my birthday for some reason I have been on this dress nicer kick and I can't stop buying clothes...I can't remember the last time a wore my usual tshirt and jeans out of the house...

  2. That's cool! I love clothes!!! I also love shoes...especially from cato. They have the best shoes. ever!

  3. As far as the spiders go, remember it is Halloween season. Thanks for the video. I love it!


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