Saturday, January 8, 2011

My Snowboarding Experience

So Wednesday night, Timothy texts me and says, "Hey! Wanna go snowboarding tomorrow night?"  I'm first thought is, "WHAT on earth do I wear?"  Yes, a ridiculous thought, but that's what I thought.  Anyway, I agreed to go and I was nervous and couldn't sleep ALL night.  That next morning, Rachel and I went to Asheville, me with a red bull in hand...had to start the morning out right.  Our trip consisted of singing "Don't You Wanna Stay" at the top of our lungs, eating at Franks Roman Pizza because stupid Carrabba's was closed, going to Dick's Sporting Goods looking for ski gear, Target looking clothes...and Rachel getting her mug shot.  We also looked for ski goggles EVERYWHERE...none to be found.  Well there were some at Three Eagles for like $150 and that's ridiculous. 
Anyway...waited on Timothy for like 30 minutes because he's ALWAYS late...I mean ALWAYS.  We finally got on the road to Cataloochee and I was feeling like puking til we got to then I was almost talked into being excited.  Rented our boots and drove up the mountain in the BUZZ BUS! 
Now's where the adventure starts. 
So I started out on the bunny bunny slope.  There were 4 and 5 year olds skiing better than me.  Timothy walked me down the slope a couple times til I figured out my edges and busted it a few several times.  He had to go get a screwdriver to adjust his board so Nicole and I decided to go down the next highest slope which is like a beginners slope but it's still really tall.  I busted it a few more times, and wanted to cry a couple times, but by the third time going down it I really felt like I was gettin the hang of it.  Finally, Timothy, Me, and Nicole decided to go down the next biggest slope because they said I was doing "Awesome."  So, we did and it was actually easier except we all busted it getting off the ski lift...yeah we got mad skills.  I did pretty good the first time.  Second time I only fell once.  But my third and last run on that slope I decided to be a daredevil and go faster...BAD idea.  Chris flew by me and yelled "Good job, Abigail!"  and I didn't know who it was cause he had a face guard and goggles on.  I was distracted trying to figure out who it was which caused me to fall the first time.  I was still a little confused "WHO on earth knows my name on this slope? I KNOW it wasn't Timothy."  Anyway, I busted it REALLY hard cause I was FLYINNNNG down the mountain.  Knocked the breath out of me and hurt like...anyway. 
Kinda sad that was my last run cause I wanted to make it gooooood.  I'm still sore but it was SO worth it. 
I had the most AMAZING time ever and I can't wait to do it again! Hopefully sometime next week! 

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