Sunday, November 29, 2009
Christmas Tree!
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Update on my Life
Anyway, today I went to go pick up midnight show advanced tickets for New Moon. I'm bee-bopping up to the line and when I get to the window and make my request I hear the dreaded words: "I'm sorry, but we're sold out." Needless to say this Ruined--with a capital R--my evening. I repeat this ruined my evening. I went to work and drowned my sorrows in a pumpkin spice latte with an extra shot of espresso.
So maybe I wasn't that upset...the movie will be on for a couple weeks so I'll have plenty of time to go see it! Speaking of tickets I also got my ticket to come see the Velveteen used to be my favorite story as a child even though I always cried.
Oh and I also went to see the Christmas Carol in 3D. I cried at that movie was just so sweet at the end. Some of it scared the pants off me though...Eeeek...creeepy.
ANYWAY, my Thanksgiving break begins NEXT WEEK! I am so super excited I can barely stand it. I have a lot to do before then, but I'll get it done...I have a huge project for my STUPID health and wellness class that I might have procrastinated on just a little...teehee.
I'm putting up a big Christmas tree in my room...pretty excited about that! I will post some pictures on here and facebook! Ahhh I love Thanksgiving and Christmas. November and December are the best months EVAAAAH!!!!
I'm running out of things to talk about so now I guess I'll just go to bed.
♫♪ Love love love ♫♪,
Abigail xoxo
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
I just read the requirements for an M.M in Piano Performance and Pedagogy at the University of Oklahoma, the "mecca" for prospective piano pedagogy students; I think I'm going to throw up. It is so nerve-wracking. Not that I actually have to worry about it for another year and a half, but still. Aaaaaa!
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Seeing another show made me realize, yet again, how much I miss shows, how much I miss everyone in Overlook, and how little I get to see them.
*glare*...stupid school. why do you have to get in the way...*glare, growl, grumble, snarl*
Tomorrow is advising day which means:
NO CLASSES! I only have an appointment with Dr. Adams tomorrow to plan out my classes for next semester and plan my future in piano. After that I plan on getting breakfast with TJ and running around Franklin doing errands until 4:30 when I have to go to work. Yay work.
I'm thankful for the day off this week. October is an easy peasy month except for midterms. Fall semester in general is great. We get SO many breaks. YAY!
Anyway, I think I'm going to read for a little bit and go to bed.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Sunday, October 18, 2009
I started running this summer and as soon as school and work started I stopped. I'm kind of irritated at myself for stopping and now I really really want to. It was enjoyable. I had time to think and it really helped relieve stress and tension.
I hope this wind lays off soon. :) Want to give my new running suit a test run. :D Had to get it in the kids section because I couldn't find any other ones to fit. It doesn't look kiddie though. :D
Have a wonderful Sunday!
Saturday, October 17, 2009
At work
I don't really know what to blog about, but I wanted to blog about something.
Oh today is "Treat Abigail Like a Princess" day. I declared it an official holiday.
Love love love.
Colbie Caillat - Fallin' For You (official video)
Love Colbie Caillat and her music. This is one of her newer songs and it is really cute and upbeat. Love it.
-Abishmell ;)
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Little Random Thought Bursts!
*Fall break was amazing and I am SUPER glad that this week there are only three days of school. Its nice after a wonderful six-day break!
*I think that if I have time this weekend, I'm going to make an apple stack cake...except I don't have any dried apples to cook. Fresh fruit doesn't work well, but I guess apple butter or apple sauce would work pretty good.
*Life is awesome! School is awesome! Work is pretty anytime makes it all worth it.
*Rachel and I had fun on our monthly girl night. We got all dressed up and went to the Frog and Owl, got offered drinks (of course we said we weren't old enough and politely declined), ate some pretty darn good pasta, walked up and down main street, went to Big Lots, and then went to my house and played on the internet. We have started this thing where once a month Rachel and I plan a fun outing for just the two of us because we miss each other A LOT. :(
*I love piano.
*I love Chai Tea
*I absolutely positively love flannel shirts. I don't wear them all the time, but when I do, they put me in an automatic good mood.
*I got blue contacts. They don't make my eyes freaky blue though. They just bring out the blue that I naturally have around the edges of my green. Pretty exciting!
*When I read a book sitting outside, I always like pretending I'm Belle. It's quite fun! I sit and sing to myself "OHHHHHH isn't this amaaaazing, its my favorite part because you'll seeeeee, heere's where she meets prince charming but she won't discover that its HIM til chapter threeeeee."
*I desperately need sleep so I'm going to bid you all adieu. Buenos Noches.
Abigail :o)
Monday, October 12, 2009
Random Wish
Now, on to what I really want to say.
I reaaaaalllly want to go to Disney World. I think I'm going to plan a summer trip down there. I love Disney World. I just finished looking at some pictures from my last trip and I would LOVE to be there right now. :D
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Sewing Machine
--Wind a bobbin
--Thread the bobbin
--Thread the needle
--Make sure everything worked!
It has been a Looooooong time since I've actually done all this. Now I can really get to work on that pirate coat! Yay!!!
Thursday, October 8, 2009
First Day of Fall Break
I also realized today that I have a strange urge to give dollar bills to street musicians...not plain old bums...but street musicians. Everytime I walked by one I would want to pause but TJ wouldn't let me, which is probably a good thing. Haha. I'm so torn on this subject. Most of them appear to be grubby bums who probably just want cash to go buy some booze. Thinking about them like this makes me not want to give them money, because I don't want to enable them. On the other hand, what if they really are hungry. It's just such a difficult issue!!!!
After we finished downtown, we went to the mall and shopped which was super fun! I bought a few new fall clothes, some new perfume, and this really amazing dress that I absolutely LOVE! :D I love the mall, but shopping makes me really tired, so after shopping we had to eat again. Went to Olive Garden because I HAD to have their salad and breadsticks! If you can't tell, TJ and I love to eat. :D
Coming home we got stuck in I-40 construction traffic...yay....
It was okay though cause we had good music...Taylor listen to.
Fall break is off to a great start! I can't wait til Rachel and I go on our monthly dinner date! It's my pick this time. Where should we go? Any suggestions? I'm thinking maybe Rumor Haz It in Clayton.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
I CAN'T. Spiders are probably one of my biggest fears.
Another thing I hate is diction.
I hate it so much I dropped the class and I'm going to take it next year. I just had too much on my plate this year. It is amazing how my stress level decreased.
I also have this dumb health and wellness class where all we do is busy work. I'm healthy; I'd rather dance my butt off than sit in a stupid lecture.
Ugh, anyway. On a lighter note, tomorrow is the last day before Fall break!
*Angel Choir sings HALLELUJAH*
Speaking of hallelujah, watch this video. Its fun! :D
Can't wait till fall break...That means this semester is half way over! WOWWWW...
I'm dying to go shopping. I think I'm going to go this Thursday and buy a bunch of new clothes for fall! YAY!!! I'm turning into a clothes horse...
Anyway, I'm procrastinating. I have a melodic dictation to do and then I need to sleeeep.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Also, just in case anyone is wondering, school is AWESOME this semester! I absolutely love all my classes...except for Diction for Singers II. UGH. Anyway, I'm really focused on my major and I really really love it. I just hope and pray that I'll be able to use all the wonderful skills I'm learning.
Played at a reception before a big concert today. Then I got to go see the concert, which was a group of five violinists that played arrangements of well-known classical, bluegrass, and popular tunes while dancing and singing. It was SO amazing how talented these people were. The group was called Barrage. Look them up if you get the chance.
Love ya'll!
Saturday, August 22, 2009
This school year is going to be interesting. I'm working a little bit at the dessert factory...Mostly on weekends. And I'm going to school five days a week. funn funnnn funnnnnn!
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Ahhh...really crappy night at rehearsal tonight. I just didn't feel with it, although thanks to Jessup I found a way to be more graceful. Yay Sup! Time for Sims 3 now! Yay!!!!
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Monday, June 29, 2009
Just a quick note
Note to self:
Be more graceful.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Adventures in Running: June 23 and Squirrel Watching
Never, I repeat, NEVER go running on the track...especially when you're out of shape. It is probably the most embarrassing thing ever! I'm thinking, "Ah...running on the track at 8 o'clock in the morning should be easy-peas. I'll be able to run a couple of laps with no difficulty at all."
Needless to say, this assumption was wrong. For a rather small person, I am three words that no person likes to hear.
Out. Of. Shape.
(N0 Rachel, I do not have an eating disorder.)
I couldn't even run a whole lap without being winded. And there are other people there to watch you overexert your out-of-shape body. It is a horrifying experience that I shall try to avoid until I can get into better shape.
I was also disappointed because I didn't get nearly the burn that I do running in the wooded areas around my house. A track is just flat, flat, flat, and more flat.
Oh, and to top it all off, it was sunny there. At my house it was foggy when I left and when I got home. One would think living seven minutes away (yes that is exact) from the high school that the weather would be the same. But no, it was sunny. Bright, yellow rays of beautiful, painful, torture beaming down their terrible beauty.
Everyday after I finish running I love to sit on my porch, drink my water, and watch the little squirrels jump from tree limbs, scurry around in the yard, and sneak to the bird feeder. As I am writing this I'm watching a squirrel out my window sit and feast on bird seed. They are quite interesting, hilarious creatures. I love watching them and I still want one for a pet!
I think that's all I have to say for right now!
Saturday, June 13, 2009
I've got a lovely bunch of...
Went to FHS graduation tonight and I could not believe that I was sitting there last year. It seemed like my world was going to end, but actually that couldn't be farther from the truth. My world began and is spinning perfectly now. I wish this class the best of luck!
Now...change of subject!
Rehearsals are getting more and more fun! I loved that fact that we worked on one scene for an hour and a half. This is when things start getting REALLY fun and REALLY tiring! I love love love this show and I am so happy we're getting to perform in the new building! OH MY GOODNESS, it is SO amazing and enormous!
Excitement!!!! :D
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Help..I Need somebody...Help
I'm hitting some rough spots in life and I need some prayers. If you guys would pray for me that'd be great. I love ya'll very much.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
I'm just going to try and enjoy the day. TJ is taking me on a surprise trip somewhere fun but he won't tell me where. I'm hoping that it is shopping, an aquariam, or a zoo, or a new city that we have yet to explore but who knows what he has planned.
People say that these are the best years of your life, but I honestly think that they are also the most horrifying.
I wish I could slow down time. *sigh*
Too bad I can't, but other than being terrified of getting older, I'm happy that I have my salvation, my health, my family, my friends, and all of my other blessings. God is so awesome and has blessed me so much over the last nineteen years and I know he has so much more in store.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
So it's been forever
- I am finished with my freshman year of college and wow did it fly past!
- I went to the Knoxville Zoo and I saw RED PANDAS!!!! A whole colony of them!
- Seussical finished and Aida started.
- I am reading the Twilight saga. Heehee.
Now to elaborate:
My first year of college was okay...I made a few friends but not as many as I expected. I learned a lot but still, nothing that enriching. I made mostly A's but a couple of B's. I even made a B in piano this semester. I was pretty upset about that, but I guess its my fault for not being as prepared as I should have been. Ughh...I'm starting to worry if this is really what I'm supposed to be doing. Anyway, I don't really want to talk about that anymore. I fell down a flight of stairs the last day of exams but most of you have already heard about that too. I got a new phone after crushing it! I am SO happy that summer is here and I am practicing piano every morning...not the most fun, but necessary. Oh dear.
Next thing I want to talk about is the Zoo! I had not been since I was in the first grade so it was a really nice surprise when TJ said, "Hey, we are taking a trip to the zoo!" I was like YAY!!! They have Red Pandas, my new favorite adorable fluffy animal. I love love love them! I want to be a red panda rescuer because the cute little sweeties are becoming extinct. ANYWAY...I had a really great time at the zoo; I had forgotten how fun they were! I got some fun pictures which you can see here:
Now I discuss play life. Seussical was a B-L-A-S-T! It was over too quickly though and Aida seemed to be waiting right around the corner. Rehearsals are taking off and I think it is going to be an AWESOME show with a stellar cast! I also got TJ to do the show which makes me happy because he is actually using his talents instead of letting them waste away, silly boy. I think he will enjoy it and I really hope that everyone enjoys this show. First time in a huge theatre...SO EXCITING!!!!
Lastly, I would like to say that after criticizing and laughing at the readers of Twilight, I myself am now a fan. Not quite as creepy as the obsessed 13-15 year old audience, but I do enjoy them very much! Rachel showed me the movie and I knew then that I had to read the books regardless of how much fun I had made of them. I will be starting the third book tomorrow after reading the second one in maybe four days. They fly by and its been awhile since I have found a book that truly captures my attention.
Anyway, that is pretty much my life right now. Goodnight!
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
We move as one...
We found some paper, rolled it up into a little ball, and ate it...all of us except for Kayleigh. She thinks we're ridiculous; don't ask me why, but she does. But we all know we are needn't tell us.
We also decided to go on a diet consisting of fruits, veggies, and tofu! Don't know how well this is going to go over. I have to have some protein. Does tofu have protein? Anyway, to kick this off Rachel and I went to old ingles after rehearsal and bought carrots and grapples!
Grapples are heaven-sent; it is an apple that tastes like a grape. They're grrrrrreat! My hands still smell like grapes...its the COOLEST thing ever!!!!!!! WOW!
Oh and PS, Kayleigh isn't participating in the diet either...I think we scare her. We still love her though!
Having a blast!
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Oh My Goodness Gracious!!!
It was amazing...I've never seen him before and I thought I was going to die to be in the midst of such a crazy talented guy.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Just stuff...


Monday, January 12, 2009
SNL-Saving Broadway
Heehee...this video makes me giggle. You guys should definitely watch it. :D
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Hot Caramel Sundae with Sprinkles!
Funny thing No. 1:
Me: Hey Rachel, what number are you for auditions?
Rachel: Seven...
Kelly and I: Why'd you pick seven?
Rachel: Because its God's number!!!
God bless her...I love Rachel! She's adorable.
Funny thing No. 2:
Rachel, Bri, Lindsey, and myself all decide that we want ice cream so we go to Dairy Queen. Afterwards while waiting for Bri's Grandma to arrive she and Rachel and I are all listening to Footloose...okay...blaring Footloose for no reason at all. All of a sudden Hero comes on and we all (meaning me) jump out of the car and start dancing like crazy Flashdance style. I have missed doing a show and hanging out with people just as dorky as me! Can't wait til rehearsal tonight!
Love love love love love,
Abishmell!!!!! :)
Saturday, January 3, 2009
I really want asian food...that's the first thing I will eat when I'm able to chew again! :) Mmm...asian food.
What you find when you're browsing the internet with an icepack on your face: Avenue Q Sweden -It sucks to be me in Swedish
It is quite hilarious!
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Rewind...Fast Forward
A lot happened in 2008 and here's just kind of a recapitulation of everything:
- January-The beginning of a new year and the perfect opportunity to start off with a clean or somewhat modified slate.
- February-Went to Mars Hill for the last time and had some life changing realizations.
- March-Cinderella...way too many backstage inside jokes and SO much fun.
- April-Some interesting drama begins
- May-Interesting drama ends thank goodness, and I become an adult...legally anyway. I still don't feel like one and don't really want to act too much like one just yet. It is way too much fun acting like a kid! Received some really special honors at school that I never thought I would receive. Finished off my senior year with a sort of sadness and relief.
- June-Cried through the whole commencement ceremony, a great trip to Isle of Palms and Charleston (my favorite city) with a few of my favorite people, Charlie Brown rehearsals, Rachel & Abigail bonding experiences.
- July-Fourth of July fun, Charlie Brown show goodness
- August-An awesome spirit-filled revival at church, COLLEGE...Eeeeek! Almost dying on a wave runner.
- September-Just more college filled goodness
- October-I voted for the first time...such a liberating experience, went trick-or-treating in Highlands and got way too much is finally gone!
- November-Thanksgiving and fun times with family and friends
- December-Snow the first day of December, then freakishly warm weather, a wonderful wonderful wonderful Christmas, and a lovely New Year's Eve!
A glimpse into 2009:
In 2009 I want to be a little more organized, spend more time with my family and friends, strengthen my personal relationships, have fun, and give love and cheerfulness to everyone...I know its really cheesy, but I feel like sometimes all people need is a smile or a kind gesture to brighten their outlook on life.
I hope that God blesses each and everyone of you in this new year! I love you all so much and you mean a lot to me!